Shaping Change Inner Circle - July 2015
Welcome to the July Inner Circle!
If you haven’t joined the Facebook Group yet, you can find it here. It’s a closed group so only the members will see discussions and comments.
The topic for this month is creating accountability in your team.
We are continuing our learning series on the Patrick Lencioni 5 Dysfunctions of a Team model. In April we looked at trust, in May we covered constructive conflict in teams, in June it was building positive commitment in your team. This month we are looking at the importance of team accountability, and how to best create it.
If you haven’t completed the previous month’s activities, I’d encourage you to do those first. The model works as a pyramid, building strong foundations as we move up.
- Creating Accountability
Download your worksheet here.

Curated content from around the web:
This is a great Harvard article – The Best Teams Hold Themselves Accountable
Accountability – A Sticky Subject for Teams
If you have one person in your team who is ducking accountability, this is a good read:
Leading Teams -- Using Ground Rules to Encourage Accountability
A great video about the power of taking the lead in accepting feedback and sharing results. For those who have done LSI, it references the Blue / Red / Green styles:
Snowball of Accountability (Leadership Transformation)
This month’s leadership challenge is to complete the worksheet and facilitate the team effectiveness activity in your team.
Head over to Facebook here or the forum and let me know how you went!
My recommended read for this month is “Accountability: The Key to Driving a High-Performance Culture” by Greg Bustin
If you would like to contribute an interview, please let me know