Shaping Change Inner Circle - May 2019

Welcome to the Inner Circle for May 2019!

If you haven’t joined the Facebook Group yet, you can find it here. It’s a closed group so only the members will see discussions and comments.


Does it seem like everything is moving faster these days? Technology, communication, even time seems to be speeding past faster…

Are you finding it difficult or frustrating to even try to keep up?

In this month’s webinar I explain the impact this is having on our culture…to the people you know…and what you can do to protect yourself from the potentially catastrophic fallout.

“Beating Burnout – How to Refill Your Tank
When Life Has You Feeling Empty”

You will walk away from this training experience with real-world strategies you can use immediately to discover…

  • What burnout actually is, why it strikes, and how it sneaks up on you,
  • The 5 stages leading to burnout, and how to stop it in its tracks,
  • How to cure chronic exhaustion, insomnia, depression and anger,
  • Which of your instinctive drives may be pushing you to burnout…RIGHT NOW,
  • The 3 best character strengths you can cultivate to prevent and cure burnout,
  • How prone you are to burnout based on your personality, habits, and current life circumstances,
  • Proven practices for preventing and recovering from a burnout situation,

…so you can get back to building a beautiful, fulfilling life for yourself and your loved ones.

I look forward to sharing it all with you.



From around the web:

How we can beat the burnout society | Ernst-Jan Pfauth | TEDxMaastricht

How to Bounce Back from Burnout in 3 Simple Steps | Allan Ting | TEDxWilmingtonLive

Balance, Burnout and the Search for Centre | Emily Bremner | TEDxGuelphU

Generation Stress: From Surviving to Thriving | Kristen Race | TEDxMileHigh

My recommended reading this month is: The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It  by Simon Sinek



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