Module Six - Helping Others Navigate the Course of Change

Welcome back to the audio series on Thriving in the Midst of Change!

If you haven't completed the previous modules, please use the menu above to review the previous lessons.

Today, we're going to talk about some strategies on how to help others navigate the change process.

Listen to Audio 6 - Helping Others Navigate the Course of Change

  • Transcript of Audio #6
    Transcript of Audio #6

    You can download a transcript of the audio if you would prefer to read through the content in your own time.

I hope you enjoyed the final audio in my series on Thriving in the Midst of Change.

End of Thriving in the Midst of Change

If you're interested in learning more about how to improve your understanding and reaction to change, we also offer more advanced courses on
Thriving in Change and Transitions and Transformations.