Sovereign Women™ Leader Shadow Archetypes

For each statement give yourself a score as follows:

0: Not like me
1: Like me rarely
2: Like me sometimes
3: Like me quite often
4: Like me most of the time
5: Like me always

Enjoys winning or being better than others.

Very agreeable.

Feels inadequate.

Fears change, getting things wrong, consequences.

Tries to find ways to please everybody.

Natural tendency to critique or criticise others ideas.

Predictable and reliable.

Blames self for failures.

Sacrifices self for others.

Feels most comfortable when in control.

Avoids taking risks.

Finds conflict difficult to deal with.

Avoids having difficult conversations.

Likes to be noticed and admired.

Feels uncomfortable sharing knowledge with others.

Delays and procrastinates, even when there are consequences.

Fears failure, being incompetent, being proved unworthy of task.

Sets “safe” goals and objectives that are within current capability.

Withdraws from relationships or pushes people away.

Fears disconnection from people, being disapproved of, being unworthy of love.

Has difficulty making decisions.

Comfortable dealing with known or familiar problems and issues.

Deflects blame when things don’t go to plan.

Finds it hard to say no to people.

Hopes that problems will go away.

Doesn’t challenge established ways of doing things.

Has little confidence / trust in others and their abilities.

Sees teamwork and relationships as more important than work output.

Fears rejection, not being good enough.

Hates making mistakes.

Concerned with rules and precedent.

When required to discipline will often use "others say".

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